2021/11/19 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Speaking notes delivered by Police Minister General
National Commissioner of the SAPS; General Kehla Sitole; A very good Afternoon to you all. The crime figures that will be presented here today are from cases reported to the SAPS from the 1st of July 2021 to the 30th September 2021/2022 financial year. This is the period when the country was under Lockdown level four, three and two. These statistics are compared to a corresponding period in the 2019/2020 financial whereby the country was under lockdown level three, two and one. These crime figures are certainly not reflecting a crime holiday, they are neither as alarming as the previous quarter figures which were skewed, as figures of a period that had no Lockdown restrictions, were compared to a period, where the country was placed under hard Lockdown. These crime data will also give the nation, a glimpse of the crimes that took place during the July unrests, which were categorized by vicious destruction of infrastructure, warehouses and looting of business premises. These unrests also claimed the lives of 342 people in the Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal provinces. MURDER In the three months of reporting, a 20.7 % increase in murder was recorded. However, when compared to the previous normal period of 2019/2020 financial year; a period with no lockdown, the murder percentage change would have been a 13.2% increase. Between July 2021 to end of September 2021, 6 163 people were killed in South Africa. This is 1 056 more people killed compared to the corresponding period in the previous financial year. Compared to a period without Lockdown, this would have resulted in an increase of 717 deaths. Ladies and Gentlemen, Among the many other factors that contributed to the increase in murders, was the July unrests which affected mostly the KwaZulu-Natal province and Gauteng. This is evidenced by the Kwa-Zulu Natal province recording a 44.4% increase in its murder cases in the period of July to September this year. 1 744 people were killed during this time in that province, an increase of 536 more lives lost, compared to the same comparative period. 229 more people were murdered in the Gauteng province between July and September 2021. Members of the media, While it is clear that the July unrests contributed to the murder figures before us, we must concede that other provinces such as Free State, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape and the North West recorded double digit increases in murder cases during this reporting period. However, a glimmer of hope is shining through from the Western Cape province. It is the only province to record a decrease in its murder cases. Out of the Top 30 murder stations, the Harare, Khayelitsha, Nyanga police stations in the Western Cape, recorded decreases in their murder figures. We remain encouraged by the decreases and attribute them to the resourcing of policing in the Western Cape through more personnel and vehicles deployed at identified hot-spots, especially in the Cape Town Metropole. I repeat, the Western Cape receives the Lions share of policing resources and funding to bring about peace and stability. To date the SAPS has injected the most resources in that province and in KZN, compared to all other provinces. We see that from the intervention in place in the western cape, THEY beginning to bare fruit, and we’re seeing a pattern of stability emerging. in this instance then the stabilisation resources would then be deployed to other hot spot provinces, including intra - provincial redistribution of resources. We are making a call to the province to work in conjunction with the SAPS in the utilisation of the resources they are plaughing into the fight against crime. We believe this will give us better results when we work as a collective in order to sustain what we have achieved. CAUSES OF MURDER According to this data, 1 334 murders occurred at the home of the victim or of the perpetrator. From a sample of 5 176 cases it was determined that a total of 2 424 people were murdered in public places such as streets, open field, parking areas and abandoned buildings. 424 of the murders occurred at taverns, shebeens, nightclubs and bottle stores. Liquor outlets are the third most likely place, to be killed in South Africa. A total of 23 SAPS officers were killed between July to September 2021. Most (6) were killed in the KwaZulu -Natal province followed by Gauteng and Western Cape, each recording 4 police killings. CONTACT CRIMES Overall, contact crimes increased by 1.0% If a comparison is made to a normal period prior to the country being placed under Lockdown, this would have resulted in a decrease of 10.7% The top four causative factors of murders in South Africa are arguments, acts of mob justice, robberies and gang-related murders. RAPE 9 556 people were raped between July and September 2021. This is an increase of 634 cases, amounting to a 7,1% increase compared to the previous reporting period. A sample of 6 144 rape cases revealed that 3 951 of the rape incidents took place at the home of the victim or the home of the rapist. Liquor and drugs were involved in 1 383 of the rape cases. 400 rape cases were domestic violence related, meaning the victim and perpetrator have a relationship. The Temba police station in Gauteng, Thohoyandou station in Limpopo and the Eastern Cape’s Lusikisiki and Inanda in KZN police stations recorded the highest incidents of rape. With almost 10 thousand people being brutalized and sexually violated in just three months in South Africa, is a disgrace and deeply disturbing. The majority of people raped are women and those most vulnerable in our society. These statistics show they are often violated by people they know and trust, in the comfort of their own homes or in places where they thought they were safe. DNA BACKLOG It is encouraging that victims and survivors of rape and other sexual assaults, will at all times have access to a evidence collection kit also known as a ‘Rape Kit’, at their nearest police station. In our continued efforts as the SAPS to avoid secondary victimization at police stations, the rolling-out of GBV Desks is on course. These GBV Desks are manned by police officers, specifically trained to provide victim-centered assistance to victims of GBV. To date, 134 such desks are in operation and the goal is to have a GBV Desk in all police stations countrywide. Majority of our station have Victim Friendly facilities. On the same score, the Police Ministry and SAPS management are rolling out the turn-around strategy that is making inroads in tackling the DNA backlog, experienced at SAPS Forensic Science Laboratories. We are confident that we will in the near future be able to take the nation into confidence and announce progress made on the DNA backlog. Regarding sexual offences, a 4.7% increase is recorded when compared to the previous reporting period. This figure is revised to a decrease of 12.9% if compared to previous normal period of 2019/2020 financial year FARM ATTACKS 15 murders occurred on farms and small-holdings between the months of July and September 2021. This is two more murders, compared to the previous reporting period. PROPERTY RELATED CRIMES While all Property Related crimes decreased by 6.2%, Police continue to clamp down on Stock theft, which recorded a decrease of 9.2%. If a comparison was made to the normal period of 2019/2020 this would have resulted in a 15.4% decrease in stock theft cases. Stock theft decreased by 9.2% with declined cases in seven of the country’s nine provinces. The highest volume decrease was recorded in the Northern Cape with 119 less incidents. Burglary at non-residential premises recorded double-digit increase of 18.2%, this increase comes as the country enjoyed fewer Lockdown restriction and going back to normal economic activity. ASSAULT Ladies and Gentlemen, The SAPS crime data is again demonstrating that South Africa is a VERY violent country. This is evidenced by double digit percentage increases in all assault categories. 72 762 cases of common assault and assault GBH were opened with the police in the three months of reporting. Over 13 thousand of the assault cases were Domestic Violence related, meaning the victim and perpetrator, have a relationship. Alcohol and drugs were involved in 3 695 of the assault GBH cases. The top three areas of occurrence of these assaults are at the home of the victim or perpetrator, public places and liquor outlets. Arguments remains the top motive for assault cases, over 13 thousand of the assault cases were reported for this reason, followed by retaliation or revenge. TRIO CRIMES Regarding the country’s most feared crimes which include Robbery and Residential and Non-Residential robberies recorded a decrease of 6,7% and 1,4% respectively. Aggravated robberies such as Car-jackings increased by 3.5% compared to the previous corresponding period. This figure would have increased by 1.9% if compared to same period in 2019/2020. The Harare and Nyanga stations in the Western Cape and the Tembisa station in Gauteng recorded the highest incidents of car-jackings. There were 388 less residential robberies in the month of July to September 2021, compared to the corresponding period in the previous financial year. The Mpumalanga and Free State provinces are the only provinces to record percentage increases in residential robberies. CITs Ladies and Gentlemen, Police are starting to make much needed gains in responding to brazen gangs targeting cash vans. 12 less cash in transit heists were committed between July and September this year. A double -digit percentage decrease of 18.8% in CITs is welcomed and is largely owed to heightened police visibility and the interception of would-be gangs through intelligence gathering. However, 52 such attacks in three months is unacceptable and police must respond firmly. National Commissioner, the SAPS must continue to fine-tune their approach and responses to this crime. CONTACT RELATED CRIMES All contact related crimes such as Arson, and Malicious damage to property recorded increases. There were 298 more cases of arson reported between July to September 2021, this is a 30,2% increase compared to the same time last year. There were 28 988 cases of contact-related crimes reported to the police during this reporting period. This is 1 997 more such cases compared to the previous reporting period. As mentioned earlier, the Quarter two 2021/2022 crime figures demonstrate the extent of the wanton looting, arson and damage to property and loss of life that occurred during the July unrests. KIDNAPPINGS There have been 2000 kidnapping cases reported to the police between July to September 2021. Majority of the kidnappings reported were high-jacking related, followed by kidnappings which were Robbery and Rape related. Out of a sample of 620 cases, 52 kidnapping cases were ransom related and most occurred in the Gauteng province. Seven kidnappings were as a result of Human Trafficking. CONCLUSION As I conclude, while the crime picture painted here today is not ideal, it is certainly getting better with time planning and deployemnt of resources, where they are needed most. The decreases in aggravated robberies including CITs, residential and non- residential robberies should give South Africans hope that the SAPS is making inroads in policing these crimes. Certainly more can and WILL be done to ensure that South Africans are and feel safe. Let me now hand over to Major General Thulare Sekhukhune will give a Presentation which will reflect an overview of the 2021/2022 Quarter two crime statistics. I thank you -END-
All Contact crimes have increased by 1.0%
All Sexual Offences increased by 4.7%
All Property-Related Crimes decreased by 6.2% Burglary at non-residential premises increased by 18.2%
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