2023/05/19 |
Media Statement MANGAUNG - Mr Masilo Abram Ntjoboko (47) and Mr Mpolokeng Phokoye (46) appeared in the Bloemfontein Magistrate Court today. It is alleged that the two employees from the Department of Economic, Small Business Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs (DESTEA) while on a joint compliance operation in January 2022. They confiscated liquor from one client's premises with allegations that it was counterfeit. When the liquor was returned to the business owner, some bottles were missing and a case of theft was opened. The SAPS Anti-Corruption Unit took over the investigation and the two employees were arrested on 19 May 2023. They appeared in the Bloemfontein Magistrate Court and are out on R500 bail each. Their case was postponed to 2 June 2023 for a trial date. Ends
Enquiries: Sergeant Mahlomola Kareli 082 527 6634
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