- Draft Explosives Regulations in terms of the Explosives Act, 2003 (Act No. 15 of 2003)
- Notice in the Government Gazette inviting public comments on the amendments to the Second-Hand Goods Regulations for Dealers and Recyclers
- Notice to Krugersdorp rape victims in terms of POPIA
- Notice to invite comments on draft critical infrastructure protection regulations
- Final Standard Operating Procedures for investigation, search, access or seizure of articles in terms of Section 26 of the Cyber Crimes Act, No 19 of 2020
- Firearm Control Act, 2000 (ACT NO 60 of 2000), Firearms Control Fees Amendment Regulations 2020
- Government Notice 5733 dated 23 December 2024: Notice in terms of Section 136(1) of the Firearm Control Act, 2000 (Act No 60 of 2000)
- Invitation for public comments: Draft: Protection of Constitutional Democracy against Terrorist and Related Activities (POCDATARA) Amendment Bill, 2021
- Draft: Firearms Control Amendment Bill, 2021
- Notice in the Government Gazette inviting public comments on the South African Police Service Amendment Bill, 2020.
- Government Notice 43576 dated 31 July 2020: Declaration of an amnesty in terms of Section 139 of the Firearm Control Act, 2000
- Notice 714 of 2017 dated 2017-09-15: Notice of Intention to Introduce the Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill, 2017 in the National Assembly and Publication of the Explanatory Summary of the Bill
- Notice 276 of 2016: Draft Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill, 2016 - Notice calling for public comments
- Government Notice No. 742 dated 26 September 2014: Private Security Industry Regulation Act (56/2001): Exemption in terms of section 1 (2) and 20 (5) of the Act.
- Government Notice No. 444 dated 6 June 2014: Private Security Industry Regulation Act (56/2001): Exemption in terms of section 1 (2) and 20 (5) of the Act.
Notice 875 of 2014: Criminal Law (Forensic Prosedures) Amendment Act, Act 37 of 2013 - Forensic DNA Regulations, 2014
NOTICE 33524 OF 1995 - Regulations for Directorate of Priority Crime Investigation (Act No.68 of 1995)
- Government Notice No. 765 South African Police Service Act (68/1995): South African Reserve Police Service Amendment Regulations: Government Gazette No. 36922 dated 15 October 2013